Billforward x HubSpot integration is available in “Contacts” and “Deals” views inside HubSpot.
By default, you will find that the card with Billforward integration will be on the very bottom of your card list on your right-hand side. If you would like to see the Billforward subscription management options on the very top, simply drag the card to the top of the screen. Please note that you will have to do it twice- once for the “Contacts” screen and once for “Deals” screen. From there on, Billforward card will remain at top of the screen where you have placed it.
Metadata on an Account or Subscription in Billforward in the form hubspot.custom.x=y will have the x=y part set on the Contact or Deal in HubSpot.
If you use metadata hubspot.custom. in the HubSpot sync, you must create the custom properties in HubSpot or the sync will fail completely
- Inside the Contacts HubSpot view, Billforward integration will allow you to:
- Create a new Billforward Account linked to the HubSpot Contact
- Linke to the standard Billforward UI directly from the contact’s name
- Edit the Billforward Account using Billforward’s embedded UI
- Send a request with a secure payment method capture form to the customer
- Create a new Billforward Account linked to the HubSpot Contact
- View up to 5 subscriptions that belong to the contact
- Cancel or edit any existing subscriptions
- When you change an account in Billforward
- Names will be updated in HubSpot
- Phone numbers will be updated in HubSpot
- Addresses will be updated in HubSpot
- [Enterprise version only] When you change a contact in HubSpot
- Names, phone numbers and addresses will be updated in Billforward
- When you create a Subscription in Billforward:
- If no contact in HubSpot is linked to the account in Billforward, a new HubSpot contact will be created;
- A new deal will be created in HubSpot;
- The deal will be linked to the contact;
- The deal will be set to a relevant stage, based on the subscription status;
- The following properties will be updated for the deal:
- Amount (set to Total contract value)
- Total contract value (TCV) – based on 12 month subscription by default, this period can be changed in the Billforward UI on the HubSpot setup page, not hs_tcv
- Annual recurring revenue (ARR) – not hs_arr
- Monthly recurring revenue (MRR) – not hs_mrr
- Annual contract value (ACV) – not hs_acv
- When you update a Subscription in Billforward:
- The deal will be set to a relevant stage, based on subscription status
- The properties above will be updated for the deal
- When you view a Deal in HubSpot, the Billforward card will appear. By default, this is at the bottom of the list of cards on the right-hand side, but you can drag it to the top. This card will allow:
- Creating a custom plan specifically for this deal
- The plan created can be used for unrelated subscriptions if required
- Viewing any existing custom plans created for this deal
- Creating a subscription using:
- A custom plan
- Any other plan in Billforward
- A custom plan
- Viewing any existing subscriptions created for this deal;
- Canceling existing subscriptions;
- Editing existing subscriptions;
- Viewing the account associated with a subscription;
- Creating a custom plan specifically for this deal