How do I embed my Flexcheck storefront into my website?

Flexcheck generates a code snippet for you to copy and paste into your website. This is done differently depending on the web hosting platform you’re using.

If you’re hosting your own site and have access to the HTML code, you can paste the code snippet directly into your own HTML. Otherwise, you can follow one of the guides here.

This article covers how to embed Flexcheck on WordPress and Wix. If you’re using another web hosting platform, try looking through their documentation on how to embed custom HTML, or contact us if you’d like more guidance.

Prerequisite: copy the code snippet

Login to your Flexcheck merchant portal, navigate to Settings and expand the Embed Storefront option. You can then copy the code snippet that you need.

Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 14.59.42

You can choose whether you want to embed the entire Flexcheck storefront into your website, or a styled button that will open your storefront in a new tab when clicked. Both have customization options, which you can change before copying the code snippet. 


Now you’ve got the code snippet, you can embed it into your site.


  1. Make sure you are editing the page you want to embed Flexcheck into.
    Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 14.49.32-1
  2. Click the + button on the right and add a Custom HTML block.
    Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 14.49.53
  3. Paste the code that you copied from Flexcheck into the HTML block.
    Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 14.54.13-1
  4. Click Preview to check that the embed has worked correctly.
    Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 14.55.29


  1. Make sure you are editing the page you want to embed Flexcheck into.
    Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 18.40.09
  2. Click Add > Embed > Custom Embeds > Embed a Widget.
    Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 18.07.08
  3. Click Enter Code on the widget you just added.
    Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 18.24.15
  4. Wix supports embedding both a Flexcheck URL directly and an HTML code snippet.
    1. Embed using your URL (recommended):
      Select Website Address and enter your storefront’s URL.
      Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 18.24.52
    2. Embed using the code snippet:
      Select Code and paste your code snippet into the box.
      Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 18.41.35
  5. Click Apply and check that your storefront has appeared.
    Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 18.26.17



Flexcheck also supports the oEmbed protocol. Read more about it here.

You can call an oEmbed endpoint from the Flexcheck API to receive a response containing embeddable HTML. The “url” query parameter must contain a storefront URL. For example, this is a valid API request:


Sandbox:{your storefront URL}
Production:{your storefront URL}


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